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Hallam Primary School

Aim High, Achieve Together.


Welcome to Diamonds



Diamonds is Hallam Primary School's Integrated Resource for children aged between Year 1 to Year 6 with an EHCP and have a primary need of Speech Language and Communication differences. Places in the IR are allocated by the Local Authority and the IR has a maximum capacity of 16 places. Within Diamonds, children are supported to make progress in all areas of learning alongside a celebration of their individual special education needs and diverse learning styles. We aim for all children to leave Diamonds as confident communicators and ready for the next stage in their education.

Diamonds vision

Requesting a place in Diamonds :

All the children admitted to Diamonds have a  Education Health Care Plan where their primary need is named as Speech Language and Communication (Level 1A or 1B)

A Local Authority panel decides whether or not pupils needs can be best met at Diamonds and parents/carers should contact Sheffield Special Educational Needs department for further details.

Where appropriate, after considering advice from parents /carers and professionals, the Local Authority , will offer a child a placement at Diamonds (Hallam Primary school's integrated resource) and name the school in the child's Education Health care plan, if appropriate.

It is important that you make the right choice for your child and for your family, therefore visits are highly encouraged and welcomed. If you wish to see the integrated resource, meet the staff and discuss your child's needs, please organise a visit via the school office or by emailing 



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