Transition to Primary School
Foundation Stage
Parents are welcome to visit at any time. When a place is offered, introductory visits are arranged between home and school.
We aim to provide a happy and secure environment in which every child can experience a wide variety of learning opportunities as well as being able to play co-operatively alongside and with other children. The planned Foundation Stage curriculum builds upon the skills and understanding which each child has already acquired, and develops them in all areas of their learning and development, including social, emotional, physical and intellectual.
Key Stage 1 and 2
Children move into Year 1 in the September following their admission into the Foundation classes.
Children continue to move through the year groups each September until they are ready to transfer at the end of Year 6 into secondary education.
Any parent wishing to visit the school before applying for admission for their child is more than welcome to do so. Please phone for an appointment.
When your child starts at our school you will be invited to attend a pre admissions meeting. Here you will be asked to complete a detailed admission form and receive important information about the school. Please bring along with you your child’s birth certificate or passport and completed admission form.