Hallam Primary School strives to allow all children to become fluent, skilled readers through our DREAMS curriculum. Our children will leave Hallam Primary School with a lifelong passion for reading, confident in fluency and comprehension and passionate about reading. Children will understand and experience the impact that reading has on all aspects of their learning and how these skills will serve them in later life.
At Hallam Primary School, we have designed our reading curriculum with the intent that our children will:
- Become lifelong lovers of reading.
- Use reading as vehicle for the whole curriculum.
- Expose children to a wealth of varied texts which have different purposes
- Promote the love of reading through story sessions, shared reading, reading-rich learning environments and the enjoyment of developing knowledge through texts.
- Ensure that every child is challenged and leaves Hallam as a confident, able (in fluency and comprehension) and passionate reader.
- Place the highest emphasis on reading across the curriculum from the very beginning of their experience at school.
- Sequence learning so that it progressively teaches children the word reading, underpinned by phonics, and comprehension skills required to become fluent readers.