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Hallam Primary School

Aim High, Achieve Together.

Recommended Books

Here are some recommended reads. We've arranged them by Key Stage and 'Phase' but don't pay too much attention to this... there are brilliant books in each list. Enjoy! 

100 Books to read in Key Stage 1

100 Books to read in Years 3 and 4

100 Books to read in Years 5 and 6

Below you'll find book recommendations made by children and staff. We’ve not organised them by Year Group or Key Stage as there is so much overlap. However, picture books will be found down at the bottom of the page, chapter books and graphic novels at the top.

Every child is welcome - indeed, encouraged, to post a recommendation - just ask your teacher. You'll need to bring the book in, too, so you can show it to all the viewers! 

Amulet 1: The Stonekeeper

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Year 6 recommends... Harry Potter

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Daisy and the Trouble with Sports Day

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Because of Winn Dixie

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

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The Boy at the Back of the Class

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Harry Potter

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Amulet 8: Supernova

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Meltdown

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Dirty Bertie: Dinosaur

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Amulet: Prince of Elves

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